Nella sede dell’Arsenale della Marina Militare, si è conclusa la tredicesima edizione del Trans-Regional Sea Power Symposium che per la prima volta ha presentato un carattere trans-regionale, con la partecipazione di oltre 50 marine e circa 100 organizzazioni internazionali e attori/realtà industriali, culturali, accademiche e dell’informazione interessati ai temi di carattere marittimo. L’evento, che ha avuto inizio lo scorso 5 ottobre, è stato aperto alla presenza del Ministro della Difesa Lorenzo Guerini.
Il capo di stato maggiore della Marina Militare, ammiraglio di squadra Enrico Credendino, ha chiuso l’evento dopo 3 giorni di lavori alla presenza del Sottosegretario alla Difesa sen. Stefania Pucciarelli, invitando tutti i partecipanti alle prossime edizioni.
Nel corso delle tre differenti sessioni sono stati affrontati temi quali il corretto sfruttamento delle risorse marine e la loro tutela, le future sfide e gli sviluppi tecnologici per le Marine del futuro, con particolare riferimento alle dimensioni spaziale, cyber e un-manned, per la quale è necessario prevedere un quadro normativo di riferimento, e l’analisi del crescente ruolo che le Marine assicurano, senza duplicazioni, nel più ampio contesto del potere marittimo, concorrendo a strutturare un approccio olistico verso le nuove sfide.
Non ultimo la capacità di assicurare il potere marittimo di un singolo paese, che non risiede nella sola possibilità di costruzioni navali, quanto nella capacità di stringere relazioni e ampliare la cooperazione: più forte è il sistema delle alleanze maggiore è il potere marittimo.
Nel corso dei lavori è anche emersa la rilevanza della dimensione subacquea, la quinta dimensione fisica oltre al mare, terra, aria e spazio, e per la presenza di infrastrutture critiche, quali i corridoi per l’approvvigionamento energetico, la sua importanza quale importante fonte di cibo e, non per ultimo, per i cavi di trasmissione dati, sempre più vulnerabili e meritevoli di attenzione.
L’attuale situazione internazionale ha messo in luce la necessità delle Marine di essere sempre più presenti in mare per assicurare la funzione sorveglianza e, più in generale, la sicurezza marittima.
Segue la dichiarazione congiunta condivisa con le marine partecipanti:
Joint Statement
“The shared commitment to enable a blue cluster approach for a safe, secure and sustainable ocean.
The XIII Trans-Regional Seapower Symposium (T-RSS) held in Venice from the 5th to the 7th of October has approached global maritime challenges in a holistic and inclusive way. With insights from high representatives from military, international organizations, industry and academia, the event has been a vital means to collect and identify different perspectives, identifying possible solutions of common interest.
In the framework of the Ocean Decade of this blue century, Symposium’s main theme, “A blue cluster approach in the ocean decade”, stemmed from a shared belief of the undisputed central role played by the maritime domain in global dynamics of security, prosperity, technological development, transhipments of goods and primary resources and economic sustainable growth.
Considering that the oceans and seas:
- –cover 70% of the earth surface and 97% of the hydrosphere, with huge resources and opportunities whilst we have still explored only a limited portion of the water masses and seabed;
- –represent the ideal and historic bridge between societies, cultures and religions;
- –are the largest global connection and communication means that support worldwide economy and trade thorough a strategic network of sea lines of communication, ports, coastal and offshore infrastructures, underwater cables and pipelines;
- –are essential for the livelihood of large amounts of the world’s population;
- –have a crucial role in balancing the world’s ecosystem and its climate;
- –are rich in resources that are fundamental for energy and technological development.
Acknowledging that:
- –age-old sea-blindness requires a concerted effort to develop a more inclusive and cross-domain approach to be able to overcome challenges. We must face present and future maritime security with a shared awareness and unified vision;
- –recognize the successes of initiatives that together have been launched over time – at sub-regional, regional and global level;
- –while doing so, we must be continue to pursue opportunities and focus toward ensuring coherence, inclusiveness and foresight;
- –for the Blue economy to be developed in a sustainable way, a commitment by all actors in the maritime cluster is necessary, including those who provide a safe and secure environment that benefits everyone;
- –the underwater dimension, including the ocean abyss and the seabed, is a new environment – comparable to cosmic and cyber spaces that demands a dedicated “multi-domain” approach, due to the need for technological development and inherent difficulties;
Highlighting that:
- –we are aware that maritime safety and security are key to prosperity and development;
- –we are conscious of the need of a common vision in order to enrich those requirements critical to sustain and support the Blue Economy as a whole;
- –we are the safeguard of sea lanes of communication and enablers of those who operate over and below the sea surface;
- -we are a historical active players able to encourage and facilitate international and interagency dialogue and cooperation;
- -we are ready by design to enhance and support an inclusive discussion towards comprehensive, affordable and effective actions at sea;
- -our skills and expertise are crucial to provide stake holders and decision makers with qualified support so that they can draw attention to the maritime dimension, overcoming the current “sea-blindness” and developing a comprehensive and multi-dimensional approach;
- -we are convinced that strengthening the cooperation among all stake holders of the maritime cluster is the starting point to develop effective actions to achieve:
- -a safe, secure and sustainable sea;
- -widespread awareness of the oceans and the seabed through a continued technological progress;
- -sustainable and respectful usage and development of the ocean and sea ecosystem.
Based on the above and in accordance with the scope and with the purposes of this Symposium whilst also taking into account the outcome of the discussions that took place during its three panels, we, the Navies that participated in this Thirteenth edition carried out in the trans-regional format,
Draw the attention of the International Community:
- To the need that all the matters pertaining to the oceans, the seas and all the connected land areas, including the seabed, should be addressed in a comprehensive manner and under a holistic approach in order to include all pertinent stakeholders. This will allow us to explore all relevant dimensions of the maritime environment, including crucial ones connected to its stability, safety and security that are essential enablers for all other activities for sustainable development and economic growth. In this light, the Navies intend to continue playing their enabling role as safety and security providers for free, safe, secure and sustainable seas.
We, the Navies, have the capacity and capabilities to sustain the global effort aimed at enhancing coherence and synergies in actions and in cooperation projects promoting ocean conservation and management, as addressed in the outcome of the United Nations Ocean conference held in Lisbon from the 27th June to the 01st of July 2022.
It is therefore recommended that, along with the efforts and initiatives connected with this Ocean Decade, the International Community appropriately and thoroughly consider and discuss the maritime safety and security issues and objectives in a framework acknowledging Navies’ role as primary actors and key enablers of the process.
We are ready to do our part, with the proactive spirit and open mindset that have characterized Navies worldwide, throughout history.“
Fonte e foto Marina Militare Italiana-Ufficio Pubblica Informazione e Comunicazione