Italian Air Force (Aeronautica Militare) Eurofighter Typhoon deploys chaff and flares countermeasures above Udairi Range, Kuwait, Oct. 21, 2021. USAF JTACs deployed to the 82nd EASOS, along with the U.S. Army 1st Battalion 194th Armor Regiment joint fires observers in-training, and the ITAF Task Group Typhoon practiced close air support, fostered enduring partnerships and advanced its decisive combat dominance during a live-fire training exercise. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Ryan Brooks)

Addestramento al Close Air Support per gli Eurofighter dell’Aeronautica Militare in Kuwait

Il 21 ottobre 20212, Eurofighter Typhoon dell’Aeronautica Militare hanno svolto presso il Poligono di Udairi, Kuwait addestramento al Close Air Support (CAS) insieme ai JTAC dell’USAF.

I JTAC dell’USAF dispiegati all’82nd Expeditionary Air Support Operations Squadron, insieme al 1st Battalion 194th Armor Regiment dell’US Army hanno lavorato in modo congiunto ed il Task Group Typhoon ha fornito il supporto aereo ravvicinata rafforzando la cooperazione tra Alleati.

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